Saturday I decided to go to our local Petsmart to see the dogs up for adoption. Now this is foolhardy on my part because one: I will not pay the adoption fees they ask ($200, some places are charging $400, what happened to free dogs? They all come with "rehoming fees". Even dog owners are doing this now. This fee implies that
I have taken care of this dog and now don't want it, so I want a return on my investment. It's probably good these fees exist or I would have a herd of dogs.) Let me digress on how I ended up there.
I am continuously looking at dogs, my qualifications for a good dog are as follows: housebroken, no jumping, will stay outside with you without needing a leash, and will play fetch, almost free $50 is an acceptable fee. As you see, I will never own a dog, which is probably for the best since my son and I are both allergic. So Wednesday I find myself over at my friends house and we are discussing an adoption application for pugs. These are some of the questions on the online application
*How long have you been at this address? If less than two years,
please provide your previous address:
*Please describe your neighbor hood:
*If your yard is NOT fenced, please explain how you plan on containing your Pug:
Do you have a pool or spa? YES / NO If yes, what style?
Is it fenced? YES / NO Type of fence?
Will you reinforce or enclose areas if we request? YES / NO
Is your home safe from poisons or other dangers? YES / NO / NOT SURE
Is your home air conditioned? YES / NO
What is the activity level of your house hold?
*Please list ALL pets you have owned / raised in the past five(5) years with outcome. (i.e. death,
gave away, etc)
*9. If your Pug does something wrong, what method of correction will you use?
*13. Have you ever lost a pet or have a pet run away? If yes, please explain what happened and
what you did to find it:
*1. What brand of dog food do you plan on feeding your Pug?
*4. Weight gain tends to effect Pugs easily which shortens their life. How will you control
excessive weight gain in your Pug?
*5. Training a Pug can be challenging as they can be very stubborn. How do you plain on
training your Pug and what methods would you consider?
*6. Your Pug chewed a valuable personal item. What method of correction would you use and
*Please send up to five (5) years of vet records.
This application is 8 pages long. My friend thinks this is to dissuade people that may abuse the dogs from adopting them, but I disagree as the adoption group have had dogs now for over a year. Who wants to go through the trouble when you can go online to a breeder or even to a pet store filled with puppy mill dogs. This encourages that kind of shopping.
Ok off my soapbox.
We thought it would be funny to actually fill this out (for queston #5- sign him up with a personal trainer like Jillian Michaels) I also decided on a name for my pug-punt (like a football). Mean as it is if I really want to abuse a dog or get a pit bull (another story) for fighting I will pay the fee, and lie on the application.
So back to Petsmart. I am walking around with my two kids, one who wants a dog so badly and the other who would rather have another cat (my cats are outdoor cats which is considered abuse, although ask my cats how
they would prefer to live. In a second they would choose outside. Ha to you cat adoption people!) Back to Petsmart again (I am very emotional about all this) and I round the corner and sitting in a chair holding a dog is this lady
who is so old she looks like she will die before she even gets out to her car in the parking lot (this is totally not an exaggeration) and I think to myself, there is no age limit on adopting a dog. My gosh, they are so worried about the dog, but they haven't thought about the fact that the owner might get home with the dog, owner collapses from old age, dog eats the person (takes care of the question about what you will feed the dog, now dosen't it), now the dog is a raving mad dog, and has to be put down, this is just cruel. I think they should have restrictions on owner age!
Suddenly I notice this guy (not the guy who looks don't think I can do this nicely....a dwarf with messed up arms... and is obviously helping the old lady....I am not making this up! But this other guy who is helping her to fill out the application )(she is mostly blind too). He asks her....(are you ready)...."Have your children ever taken care of pets?" This is a 120 year old woman!!!! For Gods sakes!!!! What kind of question is that, not "Do you plan on dying before you get to your car in the parking lot" which would be much more realistic!
So this woman looks at this "idiot man applicaton writer downer for the old that can't see" and she asks "are you kidding?" (which shows her age because of the wisdom in that short sentence.) I think she was thinking the same thought about the "dying before the car" question. So now that the "stupido man writing down answers for dumb quesstions to adopt dogs to dying people that may also be deaf" asks the same question " Have your children ever taken care of pets?" She replies "Of course" (she should have added "aren't you going to ask me if I am going to die before I get to my car, that seems more important than the question about my children, that are now 70 years old!") I walked away at this point before my mouth opened up and words that I have no control over left me. But as I was walking away, I heard him ask "What responsibilities will your children have in taking care of your dog" At that point I had to run!!!