Yesterday I went to whole foods (or whole paycheck depending on who you're talking to) and bought three things for around $11.00. I bought organic chocolate chips, organic coconut, and organic marshmallows (organic marshmallows is like trade in diamonds). Did you see what I paid around $11.00! I hope whole foods sees this, because I might shop there now. Although your lentils are pricey, $1.99 a pound. My friend told me not to buy those (she wanted 5 pounds). Imagine if you lowered your price on those you could have made another $5.00 at least.
So absolutely shocked at the prices I found I had to call my friend about 5 times to make sure I was still on the planet.(By the sixth time, I think I had really annoyed her,which is my goal in life), (Sparkles in case you ever read this) but the last time was a must phone call. I look over at the passenger seat of my car, that's where the most important bags go and I read on the bag "Everything you expect from a store and less" Is this good advertising I ask myself? I had to read it three times, then make that important call. I needed to check that I read it right. Everything I want from a store and less, what are they trying to say? Not everything I want for less. Whole foods is less than a store. Are they missing a wall? Or the beverage section. I mean, how would the average consumer see this? A store that is less. I thought about calling the store and asking what they mean by this demeaning statement (or taking the online survey if they have one). But then I thought if it is keeping the prices lower because people won't go, (I mean come on, it is less than a store), than that is divine providence, and I can't mess with that. Praise God!
1 comment:
You are too funny!
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