I am going to get a little serious here over my next several blogs.
I adopted a dog named that we named Bubbles. I have decided to post her story and hopefully her transformation here. I use facebook, but you can only type so many letters and then they cut you off. Short attention span and all that. Maybe people with poor reading comprehension made the website, anyway back to Bubbles.
I found her as a listing on my local craigslist Friday. The story behind her was that some people were driving in a local Twp, and they started throwing dogs out the window of their car (possibly six dogs, but at least five). One dog was struck and later died. Bubbles was also hit but was fine, more of a bump than a hit. When I saw her picture on the web (I am bummed I didn't save it) I thought she didn't look to bad. I spent all weekend thinking about it and couldn't sleep at all. I decided that come Monday I was going to go see her. I hadn't yet decided that she was the one for us, there happened to be two possible candidates. I arrived at the pound and sitting in this room are the most miserable creatures I have ever seen. They are huddled in the corner of the visitiation room, there are three people already in the room with them, and they are as far away from these people as possible. I still had to ask at the front desk to visit the bichon's because I cannot believe these are the same dogs sitting in front of me as the dogs I saw on the internet.
My son is standing near the half wall they are behind. He has both fingers in his nose (He doesn't know how to plug his nose??????? Oh he's eight.) and wants to know what the horrible smell is. I walk into the little viewing area and then the smell hits me. The dogs are covered in there own filth!!! What caged life does to a dog!! You can't pet them, the only place you could touch them is on the very top of there head where there is on little spot you can put your finger tip. Or the bridge of their noses which are totally bald (I wonder if the hair will ever grow back, cage rubbing?) We spent about and hour and a half trying to coax these dogs to do something. They would sniff your hand after a few seconds of having it in their faces. I decided to adopt the one and here I am today. We have had her now for 4 days, and it has been work (I'm not kidding anyone) There are great joyful moments, and really frustrating moments.
I will post about the last four days over the next four days. That way if you're from facebook you might remeber what I am writing about :) Next post today: Getting Bubbles home Wednesday.
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