I found out our swan, Romeo (he came with our house. No really, he was part of the deal) attacked one of our kid neighbors last year. He did some really bad damage, and I'm sure the psychological damage is pretty bad.

Romeo should have a death sentence,

but since he is a trumpeter swan (there is a law on the books about killing swans, his lawyer made sure the court knew this, what a mess that case was) he got a stay of execution, I am hoping to find a place for him where he can be with others of his species, kind of a hospital for the violently aggressive. I'm just lucky he didn't get me sued, but my gosh, the people never came and informed me of my bird's violent tendencies towards others. I just thought he was like that to me, my daughter, my mother, the cats, the dog, my not-related grandmother next door, the geese, the deer, um.........gosh I mean I just didn't have any idea he was aggressive. There were no warning signs!!!!! Hey look, I don't need handcuffs, please don't cuff me, I'm busy typing. Hey!!!!! don't put those on me, I have constitutional rights darnittt!!!!! No, no, not the rope, I told you I didn't know anything......ahhhhh!!!!!!............Help!!!!!!!